Saturday 23 February 2013

Adventures in Feeding a Toddler

The good thing about doing baby-led weaning is that my son just ate whatever we ate, and I didn't have to spend time (or money) making (or buying) baby food.

The other good thing is, this has made for a not-picky child. He will eat just about anything we put in front of him. There are some things he refuses to eat (or won't eat very much of) but for the most part, he's not picky, which is great.


He's two (just about). He's a toddler. And he has these days where he wants none of it. Thankfully, we know that if he skips a meal, it won't kill him (and he will get hungry later on and eat something) but it's still frustrating (and wasteful) trying to figure out what (if anything) he will eat in those moments of "i'm going to throw anything they give me on the floor because I'm a toddler" that he has.

We do admittedly give him more fish sticks and chicken strips and KD with hot dogs than we probably should. However,  he eats more fruit and veggies than we do, and we try to make sure he gets as much of a balance as possible. We cook most things from scratch, which means we spend a decent amount of time in the kitchen preparing meals every day.

It can be upsetting when we spend time making a delicious meal and all he'll do with it is throw it on the floor. We try not to take it personally, but it's HARD. A happy day is when we make something and he devours it like it's the best thing ever.

And these days, those times are kind of few and far between. But that's the joy of trying to feed a toddler.

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