Monday 17 February 2014

Alex's Marinara Sauce

A couple of weeks ago, Alex made homemade marinara sauce and it was absolutely delicious. He made it again the other day and I asked him to give me the recipe so I could post it here. Below is the recipe as he wrote it, including his comments. I'm copying it word for word because it's kind of funny and cute.



6 Tomatoes
1 Onion
3-4 Cloves Garlic

(for those with smaller blenders, you can split things up.)

It is now a weird smelling light red tomato juice. Pour into saucepan.


1/4-1/2 cup favorite red wine (colour)
1/4 tsp oregano (cliche)
1/8 tsp sage (secret ingredient, leave it out if it ain't your thang)
1/8 tsp dried bay leaves
1/4 tsp dried parsley
1/4 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp salt (add to taste)
1-2 tbsp sugar

Now simmer to reduce it. This can take a while depending on how much attention you can give it. If you are watching it like a hawk, you can crank the heat and stir it constantly. However, like most people, I have other things to do.

Simmer at low heat for about an hour, stirring it up regularly. Until you have your desired consistency. If it's not zippy enough, you can add some cayenne or black pepper to it.

Serve with your favorite pasta, a meatball, or whatever.

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